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Friday, December 09, 2005


A good book is a cat’s best friend

I’m stuck inside until April. Fortunately I have a few good books to keep me company. Just in: a tasty-looking volume, Poems for Cats, by Henry Beard. I’ll post my review as soon as I’ve had a chance to peruse it.

Amanuensis and her partner have a whole room full of books, including two copies of the complete microprint edition of the Oxford English Dictionary! That certainly comes in handy when I need to research the etymology of various words. I say, it always behooves a cat to choose well-educated servants.

On cold winter days, I pre-furr a nice, warm blanket.


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4 Old Comments:

How about Old Possum's Book Of Practical Cats? And don't forget Paul Gallico's The Silent Miaow, possibly the finest manual written by a cat on the art of managing a human household.

By Blogger Unknown, at 12:08 PM  

Dear gigolo kitty,

I'm working on Old Possum. It's a challenge to discuss this book, because amanuensis has an A.B.D. in modern and contemporary English poetry, and she took a whole seminar on the work of T.S. Eliot. Her advisor even suggested she might write her seminar paper on Old Possum's community of cats!

By the way, when I asked her what A.B.D. stands for, she responded "All But Disgusted."

Thanks for reminding me about Gallico's book. I'll send for it very soon!

Catymology Rules!

By Blogger Aloysius, at 12:23 PM  

Don't fret about being indoors until April. I'm indoors 100% of the time (which used to bother me, but then I realized that too much sun can give me split ends).

Are you winking at me in that second picture, Aloysius? You flirty scoundrel...

By Blogger Kukka-Maria, at 3:51 PM  


You want to know if I'm winking at you? I'll never tell. Come to think of it, I may have just been scratching my head.

By Blogger Aloysius, at 4:28 PM  

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