Tuesday, April 17, 2007
What poetic form is Aloysius?
Since Tuesday is Aloysius' day to simply be a cat,
I get to write whatever I want.
Here's an amusing quiz from Ravenblack, the site that brought us the Random Surrealism Generator. What poetic form are you? Since I know Aloysius like the inside of a litter box, I answered on his behalf. Here's what I found out:
This poem does seem to describe Aloysius' personality. Although he thinks he's a big, brave cat, he's usually in the same room as his humans, or nearby, where he can keep his eye on us.
What's terza rima? Let's ask the teacher:
A type of poetry consisting of 10- or 11-syllable lines arranged in three-line "tercets" with the rhyme scheme aba bcb cdc, etc. The poet Dante is credited with inventing terza rima, which he used in his Divine Comedy. Terza rima was borrowed into English by Chaucer, and it has been used by many English poets, including Milton, Shelley, and Auden.
P.S. The questions are not easy, though some of them seem specifically designed for felines; for example:
- 2. Which of these are well suited to holding together makeshift constructions made of boxes?
- 3. Which of the little piggies behaved in a sensible manner?: